Candyman 2021 — The Evolution of Horror




It's finally here! In this bonus episode, Mike is joined by critic Leila Latif to discuss the most anticipated horror movie of the year, Nia DaCosta's Candyman (2021). The first half of the chat will be SPOILER FREE, followed by a spoiler section.


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Babawaga · Nov 5, 2021

Totally agree with Dave's comment above. It took me years to have the nerve to watch the original - I was too terrified before because of the mythology/reputation surrounding the film in my childhood - but once I finally did I discovered it was more of a feminist journey-twisted love story with slasher/urban myth elements. It's become one of my favourite horror movies so was keen to watch Nia Dacosta's newer interpretation. It didn't disappoint and I thought some elements were a homage to other horror movies - Mike mentioned the body horror aspects as being very much like The Fly and I had exactly the same notion! Additionally, the bathroom scene seemed to me to hark back to the scene in the original Scream when Sidney is terrorised by Ghostface and further in Scream 2. There is also a gruesome teen bathroom scene in Final Destination - perhaps this may explain why the scene was given such prominence in the trailer - to entice a younger target market/audience?

David · Sept 3, 2021

Interesting, because Candyman was never a slasher film (at least the first film).
